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Alinyà.Ànecs muts

Alinyà.Ànecs muts
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Principal / Líquens / Dermatocarpon luridum (=D. weberi)

Dermatocarpon luridum (=D. weberi)

Dermatocarpon luridum (=D. weberi)

Image Details

Descripción: Picture taken on the 9th April 2007 at "Gorges du Segre" near Bains de Lló, Llo, Oriental Pyrenees, France, on metamorphic schists, siliceous rock, permanently watered, partially immersed the major part of the time, water-track, almost vertical position, 85 º, West orientation, iron metal-rich area, 1380 m. altitude.

Holarctic distribution. In Catalonia it has been only found at Pyrenees (Aiguestortes) and Montseny. It has to be considered an amphibious species.

Saxicolous, siliceous, hydrophillous, foliose thallus, polyphyllous, Dark brown colour when dry or normally green when wet, thick, it forms a mat of erected and contorted lobes up to 2 cms. Upper surface pitted with brown (almost black) ostioles. Dermatocarpon belongs to the Verrucariales. Perithecia about 0,3 mm in diameter.

Medulla Melzer´s I+ red-brown.

Armand Tomás Vidal

Nikon Coolpix 4.500

Autoeye, PH and HTLM Editor
Fecha: 18.04.2007 00:21
Impactos: 1327
Descargas: 0
Puntuación: 0.00 (0 Votos)
Tamaño de archivo: 96.5 KB
Envíado por: atomasvidal
Palabras clave: Lichens, hydrophilous, amphibious, liquens, líquenes, Flechten, Dermatocarpon, luridum, weberi, Llo, Oriental, Pyrenees, France, iron, ore.

Prodigy 4image Theme by Moxet Khan


Autor: Comentario:
Francesc Baldrís

Fecha de alta: 29.04.2005
Comentarios: 16027
Molt bona

Molt interessant l'existència d'espècies anfíbies de líquens. Molt bona la foto. Felicitats.
18.04.2007 07:34 Offline Francesc Baldrís fbaldris at