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Pit roig (Erithacus rubecola)

Pit roig (Erithacus rubecola)
Comentarios: 0 Francesc Baldrís

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Principal / Líquens / Cornicularia normoerica and Acarospora nitrophila

Cornicularia normoerica and Acarospora nitrophila

Cornicularia normoerica and Acarospora nitrophila

Image Details

Descripción: Picture taken on the 8th April 2007 near my house at Targasonne, Alta Cerdanya, France, Catalonia, on an isolate granite boulder coming from "moraines", silicious rock, upper surface covered by ornithocoprophilous lichens, almost horizontal surface,1.680 m. altitude.
Lichens on the picture were found with Lecidella carpathica, Parmelia tinctina, Candelariella vitellina and Melanelia stygia. In the future I will devote more time and explanations to lichens' sociology and lichens communities.

Cornicularia normoerica and Acarospora nitrophila form part of a wonderful lichen community that I will show you in different pictures.

Cornicularia normoerica is an Arctic lichen only found in high altitudes, normally alpine stage but in the Cerdanya it appears in the subalpine stage. We will describe in depth the species in the future.

Acarospora nitrophila is a crustose lichen, relatively small, with a brown colour and immersed apothecia. It is easy to recognize because in certain places (left under the Cornicularia normoerica) it appears with the cortex of the thallus crystallized and with coarse warts. On the other hand the thalline margin of the ascocarps may become slightly carbonized when the apothecia degenerate. Such criteria help to distinguish the species from Acarospora fuscata.

Armand Tomás Vidal

Nikon Coolpix 4.500

PH, NI and HTLM Editor
Fecha: 26.04.2007 23:18
Impactos: 1512
Descargas: 0
Puntuación: 0.00 (0 Votos)
Tamaño de archivo: 76.8 KB
Envíado por: atomasvidal
Palabras clave: Lichens, líquenes, Flechten, ornithocoprophilous, bird, droppings, Cornicularia, normoerica, Acarospora, nitrophila, Targasonne, Alta, Cerdanya, France, Catalonia.

Prodigy 4image Theme by Moxet Khan


Autor: Comentario:
Francesc Baldrís

Fecha de alta: 29.04.2005
Comentarios: 16027
Molt bona

És d'admirar el nivell tant alt que estàs mantenint pels macros dels líquens. Felicitats.

Molt interessant l'explicació i espero amb molt interès les futures explicacions sobre la sociologia dels líquens i les comunitats de líquens.
27.04.2007 07:02 Offline Francesc Baldrís fbaldris at