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Josep Ramon y la carretilla.

Josep Ramon y la carretilla.
Comentarios: 1 Pere Tuset

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Principal / Líquens / 500 Lichen's pictures !!! Midway

500 Lichen's pictures !!! Midway

500 Lichen's pictures !!! Midway

Image Details

Descripción: Midway of the long and winding road leading me to the initial 1000 target.
Biodiversity in Catalonia is very rich. The present picture was taken at "El Corredor", Barcelona.

I started my lichen's adventure long time ago (1978) and there were a lot of difficulties, "barriers to enter", no good illustrated books, almost no exsiccata, and a professional desert. At that time in Catalonia there was only one lighthouse, Dr. Xavier Llimona and some young people looking for "light" in the huge chaos of lichens.

I gave up several times because biology was not my prime professional concern, but currently, there is still a need for a friendly entrance and guide to the world of lichenology. The present visual lichen gallery is intended for field amateur naturalists and biology students and it is volontary done in a very plane way. It is a permanent work in progress opened to any constructive contributions.

When you see (?) in a picture, it means that there is not a 100 % certainty on determination and that your personal comments are really welcome.

I remind you that the present project is opened to everybody and your help is needed to correct any potential mistakes: I'm only an "amateur naturalist".

Thanks to all the people helping me to advance in this world. In any case, mistakes are only mine.

Armand Tomás Vidal

Nikon Coolpix 4.500

Autoeye, Ph and HTLM Editor
Fecha: 07.03.2008 20:43
Impactos: 1574
Descargas: 0
Puntuación: 0.00 (0 Votos)
Tamaño de archivo: 57.9 KB
Envíado por: atomasvidal
Palabras clave: Lichens, liquenes, liquens, Flechten, Lichen, virtual, guide, Catalonia, Spain, Armand, Tomas, Vidal

Prodigy 4image Theme by Moxet Khan


Autor: Comentario:
Pere Tuset

Fecha de alta: 23.08.2004
Comentarios: 756

Mis mas sincera felicitacion por haber llegado a la captura de 500 Liquens.

Ya solo faltan +500.


07.03.2008 22:16 Offline Pere Tuset tusetvp at

Fecha de alta: 23.08.2004
Comentarios: 58

As I read in a book this week "A long journey begins with the very first step".

You begun your 1,000 lichen journey with the very first one, which was uploaded on the 16th of october 2006, and have already reached half of the way in less than 2 years.

We believe that this is a very important achievement in your life and we want to share it with you. Also we hope that you will go on with the same enthusiasm and finish this splendid task.

Again, congratulations for your work!

08.03.2008 12:58 Offline Administrador pere at
Francesc Baldrís

Fecha de alta: 29.04.2005
Comentarios: 16027
Moltes Felicitats !!!

Un esforç, dedicació i rigurositat continus que han donat un resultat impressionant !!! I que duri !!! Moltes felicitats i a seguir !!!
10.03.2008 06:51 Offline Francesc Baldrís fbaldris at