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Papallona zebrada (Iphiclides feisthamelii)

Papallona zebrada (Iphiclides feisthamelii)
Comentarios: 1 Josep Martin

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Principal / Buscar / Diploschistes diacapsis (=D. steppicus)

Diploschistes diacapsis (=D. steppicus)

Diploschistes diacapsis (=D. steppicus)

Image Details

Descripción: Picture taken on the Third of May 2008, near Sant Jaume ermitage, Almenara Alta, Urgell, Lleida, Catalonia, gypsicolous soil. Surrounded by a parasite lichen, Acarospora nodulosa (=A. reagens).

The lichen has been already shown in this virtual guide but in very favourable conditions and with a lot of fructifications. When conditions are more hard there are almost no apothecia and looks substantially different.

Thick thallus, white, irregular, apothecia immersed with grey disc. A very common lichen on gypsum in the Ebro basin.

Nikon Coolpix 4.500

PH and HTLM E ditor
Fecha: 07.05.2008 21:17
Impactos: 1755
Descargas: 0
Puntuación: 0.00 (0 Votos)
Tamaño de archivo: 42.1 KB
Envíado por: atomasvidal
Palabras clave: Lichens liquenes liquens Flechten Diploschistes diacapsis Diploschistes steppicus Ermita Sant Jaume Serra d'Almenara urgell Lleida Catalunya.

Prodigy 4image Theme by Moxet Khan


Autor: Comentario:
Francesc Baldrís

Fecha de alta: 29.04.2005
Comentarios: 16027
Molt bona

Excel·lent macro i molt interessant l'explicació. Felicitats.
08.05.2008 07:11 Offline Francesc Baldrís fbaldris at