Picture taken on the 7th April 2007 at Targasonne, Alta Cerdanya, Oriental Pyrenees, France, Catalonia, on a siliceous rock, low at the level of the meadow, manured by cows, with Aspicilia cinerea.
I have to get material for analysis and check the lenght of the spores.
It looks like Orphniospora moriopsis but Dr. Xavier Llimona considers Orphniospora mosiguii (=Lecidia obscurissima) as part of that ornithocoprophilous community The lenght of spores is bigger in Orphniospora moriopsis (more than 12 microns).
Good image in Eva Barreno's book, Líquenes de la Reserva Natural de Muniellos, Fig. 92.
In the Cerdanya normally present in low granite boulders very manured by cows