Principal / Líquens / Lecidea lapicida (=Lecidia lactea) new for the Oriental Pyrenees, with Lecidella carpathica and Rhizocarpon cf. sublucidum
Lecidea lapicida (=Lecidia lactea) new for the Oriental Pyrenees, with Lecidella carpathica and Rhizocarpon cf. sublucidum
Image Details
Picture taken on the 6th April 2007 at Targasonne, Oriental Pyrenees, France, Catalonia, on a very exposed rock, granite boulder, flat surface, 1.650 m. altitude.
Saxixolous, siliceous, non stegophilous, nitrophilous, heliophilous, uplands, mountain and alpine stages. Common, however, It has been only mentioned once in Catalonia at Montseny by Dr. Nestor Hladun and it is not yet mentioned in the Oriental Pyrenees.
Crustose, white thallus not so thick as in Buellia subdisciformis, black prothallus, normally stained of red.
Lecidia lapicida is involved in the weathering of rocks, it secretes oxalic acid and breaks the rock producing a characteristic dark-brown iron-rich stain. Explanation of the weathering process could be found at Purvis book.
At Cerdanya it seems a nitrophilous lichen probably to be included in the following association (Candelarielletum corallizae (Almb. 55) Massé 1964 )