Picture taken on the 27th May 2007, near Riu de Cerdanya, Baixa Cerdanya, Oriental Pyrenees, Catalonia, Spain,, on calcareous rocks, ttemporary run-off waters, Nord oriented, 80 % inclination, 1.300 m. altitude.
Common lichen on calcareous rocks at the Pyrenees.
Good pictures at:
pag. 245 Volkmar Wirth et alter, Líquenes, musgos y hepáticas, Omega Editorial.
pag. 364 Dobson´s Lichens book.
pag. 327 Carlos Pérez Valcarcel et alter, Guía dos liques de Galicia, Baía Ediciones (I personally recomend this book to field naturalists and lichenologists too)
Apothecia not sunk in pits and a clear thallus.
Thallus with no spot reactions. Apothecia K+ purple.