Picture taken on the 23th September 2007 at a Pinus nigra forest, on decaying wood, Guils de Cerdanya, Baixa Cerdanya, Oriental Pyrenees, Catalonia, Spain.
It is a frequent lichen in the Pyrenees, already mentioned by Isabel Alvaro and Nestor Hladun (1983) Observaciones sobre la colonización briológico-liquénica de la madera en descomposición de los bosques de Moixeró, Collect. Bot, 14.
Fruticose lichen, schrubby, primary squamules bluish grey-green. Podetia up to 4 cms tall in well developped species, a few branching, lacking cups or very small ones. Lower part of the podetia squamulose.
Not yet checked with UV. UV- (var. polydactyla), UV+ white (var. umbricola)
It is a very variable species, probably including potential different species.It is necessary a more in depth TLC study.