Picture taken on the 29th December 2007, close to Corredor Ermitage, Montnegre, Barcelona, among mosses, very humid place, 300 m. altitude.
Fruticose lichen. Podetia with squamules, white and green, hollow at the end, with a lot of branches, brown apotecia, numerous, growing from the scyphus margin or the end of the podetia.
There is certain variability with this species.
P- or P+ orange .
Squamatic, barbatic and tamnolic acids.
V. Wirth et alter (2004) Líquenes, musgos y hepáticas. Edit. Omega, pag.82.
S. Pérez et alter (2003) Líquenes de la Reserva Natural Integral de Muniellos, Asturias, L. 61.
To understand more the taxonomic characters read:
A. Crespo et alter (2004) Los caracteres taxonómicos en líquenes una nueva perspectiva, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.