Principal / Líquens / Xanthoparmelia mougeotii (Parmelia mougeotii)
Xanthoparmelia mougeotii (Parmelia mougeotii)
Image Details
Picture taken on the 31st December 2007, near Coll Formic, close the road, Km 29,5 between Montseny and El Brull, Barcelona, on schists, 45 % inclination, on rich nutrients substrate. Specimen very large compared to the average. The colour has a bluish tinge not very real, more green, due to the lack of light when taking the picture.
Common in Catalonia on silicious substrates, upland.
Foliose lichen,normally small, but arriving to 6 cm wide, with very adpressed lobes, thallus dark brown at the center and more green-grey at the lobes, Apothecia with sorediate margins.
Medulla K+ orange, P+ orange.