Principal / Aves / Young lammergeier, Trencalòs (Gypaetus barbatus)
Young lammergeier, Trencalòs (Gypaetus barbatus)
Image Details
Picture taken during the last spring time at Boumort range of mountains, Lerida, Catalonia, Spain, from a hide.
One of the last bearded vultures in Europe, in front of me, watching me. It was a dream and a great opportunity. They still survive, they are in the red list of a few European countries, but they continue fighting to overcome all difficulties and to preserve the species.
T'ha quedat molt bé aquest jove trencalòs, com dius té molt de mèrit que encara es trobin per les nostres contrades.
Sort que vaig a classes d'anglès i entenc alguna cosa del que expliques!
Enhorabona per la captura.
Salutacions, Elvira.
11.01.2008 12:18
Fecha de alta: 17.12.2006 Comentarios: 12
Efectivament l´elvira
Té molte raó. Quine sort, encare es unaespecie no fotografiade i he anat moltes vegades enllá.