Principal / Líquens / Xanthoria parietina ssp ectanea (=X. ectaneoides)
Xanthoria parietina ssp ectanea (=X. ectaneoides)
Image Details
Picture taken during the summer at Llo Valley, near Llo, Alta Cerdanya, Oriental Pyrenees France, on bark very rich in nutrients, close the road, 1.200 m. altitude.
Clauzade and Roux consider it as a pure ssp. of Xanthoria parietina. F. Dobson treats it a a separate species, X. extaneoides, sometimes it was mentioned as X. Ectanea before.
It is very similar to X. parietina, but with a very adpressed thallus, overlapping lobes, more orange colour, lobes thin and apothecia a lot of times absent compared to X. parietina were apothecia are very nummerous. On all substrates.
It is rare at Cerdanya, more frequent near the coast.